Day 1: The Best Book You Read This Year
Hey Guys! Since I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to writing and posting, I decided that a 30 day challenge such as this one may be a great way to keep me posting consistently. BUT if I somehow miss a day or post it late I am not stressing out about it. Blogging is something I enjoy but it is NOT a chore so I don't want to treat it as one. I hope you all understand! :) I came across this challenge thanks to Chantal over at CK's Reading Corner. Go check out her blog btw because she is awesome! She came across it on Aya's blog Books Wide Open, another lovely blogger whom you should check out! We aren't really sure where it originated from or who created it but if you do happen to know PLEASE let me know so we can give the person credit!
It's only Day 1 and already I am having a very difficult time choosing! I have so many books I LOVE that picking only one for these challenges is going to be torture...for this one I decided to take out any books that were re-reads and solely focus on new reads. Even though I have several AMAZING reads this year so far, I decided to go with Unhinged by A.G. Howard! Now let me point out that I DID also read Splintered, which is the first book in the series. I also thought this one was amazing, hence why I continued to the sequel. BUT multiply how much I loved Splintered by a million and you get Unhinged! I was simply ENTHRALLED by this book from start to finish! It had me freaking out and biting my nails because it was literally full of action, one thing after another!!! It is so creepy and magical and weird in the BEST possible way! And there has yet to be a love triangle that I am okay with but but but guys this one just works for me! I am so torn between the characters because all of them have so much depth! This book can be summed up as PURE DELECTABLE MAGICAL AWESOMENESS!!!
I have to confess that I haven't read the third book, Ensnared, because I LOVE this series SO much! How does that make sense, you ask? I can't bear to part with this series and I am waiting for the perfect day when I will dedicate all day to DEVOURING it! Also, can we just talk about the covers? They are spectacular!!! <3 <3 <3
I still have to read Alice in Wonderland before reading any spinoffs. I should do that soon. Thanks for linking my blog, I love hearing about your zealous for this series =)
ReplyDeleteI actually had only read Through the Looking Glass before reading this series! But my love for it also sparked my love for Alice in Wonderland haha I bought a beautiful edition and I am working my way through it! :)