Wednesday, August 5, 2015

30 Day Reading Challenge: Day 9

Hey Guys! Since I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to writing and posting, I decided that a 30 day challenge such as this one may be a great way to keep me posting consistently. BUT if I somehow miss a day or post it late I am not stressing out about it. Blogging is something I enjoy but it is NOT a chore so I don't want to treat it as one. I hope you all understand! :) I came across this challenge thanks to Chantal over at CK's Reading Corner. Go check out her blog btw because she is awesome! She came across it on Aya's blog Books Wide Open, another lovely blogger whom you should check out! We aren't really sure where it originated from or who created it but if you do happen to know PLEASE let me know so we can give the person credit!

Day 9: A Book You Thought You Wouldn't Like But Ended Up Loving

For years I had heard plenty of people not only talk about Kurt Vonnegut but more specifically, Slaughterhouse-Five, yet I never thought to pick it up. Want to know the EMBARRASSING reason why??? For YEARS I thought this was a HORROR novel! I am ashamed to say that I didn't even bother to read the synopsis before making this CRAZY assumption! This might fill you in on what a WIMP I am that the tittle alone scared me...Luckily I saw someone on Booktube review this a while back (now I can't even remember who it was) and finally realized that it most DEFINITELY was NOT horror! I decided to pick it up but was still a bit apprehensive because I thought it might be a little dense or boring. I ended up reading it in almost one sitting and absolutely LOVED it! It was so fantastic and funny! I loved the satirical humor so much. I thoroughly enjoyed the way it was written and the fact that it jumped from the past to the present and back without any real warning. It made the reading so enjoyable and fast. There were so many beautiful quotes and parts that made me tear up. I was really mad at myself for waiting so long to read this one! I will definitely be picking up more Vonnegut books in the future since I loved his writing style! 

If you are hesitant to try this one, DON'T be! You might be surprised at what you find!