Friday, July 3, 2015

30 Day Reading Challenge: Day 8

Hey Guys! Since I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to writing and posting, I decided that a 30 day challenge such as this one may be a great way to keep me posting consistently. BUT if I somehow miss a day or post it late I am not stressing out about it. Blogging is something I enjoy but it is NOT a chore so I don't want to treat it as one. I hope you all understand! :) I came across this challenge thanks to Chantal over at CK's Reading Corner. Go check out her blog btw because she is awesome! She came across it on Aya's blog Books Wide Open, another lovely blogger whom you should check out! We aren't really sure where it originated from or who created it but if you do happen to know PLEASE let me know so we can give the person credit! 

Day 8: Most Overrated Book

Okay, okay, don't kill me over this one! The reason that I chose The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky is not really cause I think the book itself is overrated, it was more people's reaction to it that put me off. Many people LOVED this book because they felt they could relate a lot to the main character, Charlie, and his experiences in High School. I for one, couldn't. My high school experience was totally different and didn't revolve around a lot of the typical scenarios that most people identify with. BUT that is not why I didn't like the hype around this book.  My issue was that a lot of people said they connected with Charlie and were JUST like him and saw him just as a shy wallflower BUT there were reasons that highly impacted the way he was. We read about this issue and how it affects him but I felt so many people totally glossed over this issue and didn't take into account how this played a role in who he was today. I thought that people claiming they were JUST like him belittled what he had gone through and the impact it had on his personality and development. Now this is all MY opinion and I have nothing against anyone who loves this book as I myself enjoyed it as well but it is just something that I kept hearing that rubbed me the wrong way. 

What book do you think is overrated and why??? :D

Thursday, July 2, 2015

30 Day Reading Challenge: Day 7Yes,

Hey Guys! Since I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to writing and posting, I decided that a 30 day challenge such as this one may be a great way to keep me posting consistently. BUT if I somehow miss a day or post it late I am not stressing out about it. Blogging is something I enjoy but it is NOT a chore so I don't want to treat it as one. I hope you all understand! :) I came across this challenge thanks to Chantal over at CK's Reading Corner. Go check out her blog btw because she is awesome! She came across it on Aya's blog Books Wide Open, another lovely blogger whom you should check out! We aren't really sure where it originated from or who created it but if you do happen to know PLEASE let me know so we can give the person credit! 

Day 7: Most Underrated Book

Some of you may be thinking: "Really Judith? You picked a book by one of the most popular authors of our time?" Hear me out. Yes, John Green IS one of the most well known authors and almost everyone has either heard of or read one of his books. BUT if we look at the bigger picture almost NO ONE ever talks about THIS particular book! And if they do happen to make their way up to reading it they find it to be boring and their least favorite out of all his works. And frankly I don't understand why? An Abundance of Katherines was my fourth John Green book but it is my second favorite, after TFIOS of course. I REALLY enjoyed this book so much! Like a million times more than Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns. I liked all the characters and the distinct personalities they each had. I loved the quirky way it was written, using the footnotes and diagrams, I thought it was great to read the tidbits of trivia and to have a main character who was really smart and a bit different. I found myself wanting more after I was done! I would really encourage for all of you to go give this book a chance! Just promise me you WON'T go in expecting it to be like his other novels!

Let me know what your favorite John Green novel is. :)